Bso De Kameleon for children from special primary education

Bso De Kameleon is located in the school building of SBO de Wijngaard. De Kameleon takes care of children who do not achieve their full potential at the “regular” bso. The group size, arrangement and supervision is tailored to special elementary school children.

In the small-scale group of De Kameleon there is a maximum of 12 children, so there is extra attention per child. The team of permanent staff do fun activities with the children every day.

We play outdoors in the schoolyard, but we also often go to the lovely park some nearby, where the children do fun activities.

Challenging activity offerings for your child’s development

De Kameleon’s trusted team challenges the children’s development through varied activities. Here the children have a choice of activities in Nature&Technology, Sports&Play, Art&Culture and Theater&Music. Thus, they learn on their own, learn together and we prepare them for the future. Consider activities such as cooking, crafts and sports. In doing so, we also use the gymnasium and the spacious schoolyard.

Feel free to come take a look, we will be happy to show you around!

Benefits bso De Kameleon:

  • Bso for children in special education

  • Located in the school building of SBO de Wijngaard

  • A small group, where there is a lot of attention per child

  • A team of permanent, trusted employees

  • A challenging and varied range of activities for your child.

  • Lots of outdoor play and outdoor activities;


Want to experience it for yourself at our daycare? Subscribe directly? Or do you still have questions?

Location details

Out-of-school care The Chameleon
Ellertveld 3
1274 KC Huizen
Phone: 06 51 06 62 73

Opening hours

Monday 14:00 – 18:30
Tuesday 14:00 – 18:30
Wednesday Closed*
Thursday 14:00 – 18:30
Friday Closed*

*Collection on request.

PLEASE NOTE: Bso De Kameleon is closed during national holidays.

Linked schools
bso De Kameleon

In addition to children from SBO De Wijngaard, we also take in children from special elementary school in Hilversum, such as Mozarthof and de Klimop.
There are also children who come from regular education through Kwintes.

Team Manager

Danielle de Leeuw
T: 06-59 88 00 69

National Register of Child Care Providers

Registration number: 140008494

GGD inspection report

If you want to be informed about the content of the latest GGD inspection report, you can download it from the LRK website: GGD inspection report De Kameleon.