Below are the most frequently asked questions and answers about the 2020 rate change

Q: How specifically does the rate increase affect my monthly net cost?

You will receive a statement of the monthly gross rate per child per month. Want to know exactly what your tidy monthly costs will be in 2020? Then go to our calculation tool
Net Cost Calculator.

 Q: What is the rate increase based on?

In setting the rates, we look internally at the revenue forecast on the one hand and the expected costs on the other.

This rate change is a result of the increase in some  costs. For example, there is a collective bargaining agreement increase scheduled for 2020 and we face an impact on salary costs from step increases in the salary scales. We also anticipated an increase in general expenses, according to the Central Planning Bureau’s forecast.

The rates for 2020 were set in good consultation with the Centrole Parent Committee.

Q: Why a difference in the rate increase between child care and preschool and out-of-school care?

 Kinderopvang Huizen is a foundation and therefore has no profit motive. However, we do have a  results target to ensure our continuity.  

Both out-of-school and preschool fees should actually be increased by 4% as well. However due to the large difference between maximum reimbursement hourly rate from the Tax Office and our gross hourly rate, we chose to charge 1% less to these clients.

Q: What rate applies to me now?

By mail you have received an individual calculation (per child) that includes the hourly rate applicable to you and the cost per month. Also, you will find all our rates on our website.


Want to know exactly what your tidy monthly costs will be in 2020? Then go to our calculation tool
Net Cost Calculator.