-Educational employee BSO Refuge-

This is what your colleague says about working at Kinderopvang Huizen:

“We work in a large and close-knit team and have a lot of space in the building at our disposal.”

We offer you:

  • Een salaris conform de CAO Kinderopvang, schaal 6. Afhankelijk van jouw ervaring ligt jouw salaris tussen de €2489,- en €3421,- bruto per maand op basis van 36 uur per week.
  • 8% vakantiegeld.
  • 3% eindejaarsuitkering.
  • Een arbeidsovereenkomst voor 15 uur op de BSO, drie dagen in de week.
  • Binnen deze functie bieden we je de ruimte om jezelf verder te ontwikkelen, jouw kwaliteiten volop in te zetten en mee te denken.
  • Je werkt in een informele werksfeer en vormt samen met je collega’s een hecht team.
  • Door bedrijfsuitjes/activiteiten creëren we een gevoel van ‘samen’, denk aan een zomer-BBQ of de kerstborrel.

Your Work:

BSO Toevlucht in our only BSO location within Blaricum and is located in the school complex of the Bijvanck schools. This location has four different groups, the groups are divided into ages so we can easily offer age-appropriate activities. The vacancy of this BSO is for the group Onyx, this is a group with children from 8 years old and up. So the oldest group! We may use the hall, gymnasium and adjacent schoolyard within the school.

After all the children have arrived at the BSO, it is time to have something to eat and drink after which we start with the best part of the day, offering activities. Activities are offered based on the themes within Children’s Services Foundation Huizen such as; Nature &Technology, Sports & Games, Art & Culture and Theater & Music. At this location, we work in a cozy and close-knit team and you will have the space to engage in activities and help think about the processes within the BSO. To support you, the team manager is regularly on site, so you can always ask questions when needed.

Do you have this?

  • You are a “team player” and enjoy working within a larger team
  • You are an engaged, enthusiastic staff member with a love for children ages 8 to 12.
  • You have an MBO working and thinking level and hold a diploma as a Pedagogical Assistant.
  • As a Pedagogical Assistant, you have a 3F level of Dutch or you are willing to obtain it.
  • You have good communication skills both oral and written.
  • You have pedagogical knowledge related to the target group worked with within this location.

This is how we work at Kinderopvang Huizen


You will have the space to work on your personal development.
In this you will be encouraged and where possible facilitated.

Enthusiastic commitment

Together we go for quality and goals, both for the children, parents and staff.
Enthusiasm, drive and togetherness are keywords in this.

Shared responsibility

We provide space for employees to take ownership and decision making.
We do this by being clear about goals, desired outcomes and providing frameworks within which to work.

Interesting job?

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