We also learned Dec. 14 from the government that all child care centers are legally required to close from Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2020, through at least Friday, Jan. 15, 2021.

We offer emergency care during this period only to parents working in a crucial occupation and to children for whom customization is needed due to special problems or a difficult home situation. The list of crucial professional groups can be found here.

What does this mean for our customers?

  1. You and your partner, if any, are not employed in a crucial occupation as determined by the government:
    • The shelter is closed, at least through Friday, Jan. 15, 2021;
    • By default, we will sign your child(ren) out through this date. The missed days cannot be exchanged.
    • On instructions from the government, please simply pay the bill for child care fees. You will be fully compensated for your childcare costs, partly by the government and partly by Kinderopvang Huizen.
  2. You and/or your partner, if any, are employed in a crucial occupation as determined by the government:
      • You are entitled to emergency care for the number of contracted days per week; these do not have to be your regular days.
      • Below is a list of our locations that are open for emergency shelter;
      • We sign your child out by default through Jan. 15, 2021;
      • We ask that you register your child for emergency care through the Parent Portal as soon as possible. For emergency shelter starting Monday, Dec. 21, sign up no later than 24 hours in advance.
        • Please include the vital profession in which you and/or your partner, if any, work, name of the organization(s) and phone number(s) of that organization;
        • Please note that you can request extra days in addition to the number of contracted days, however, it is unclear now whether these will be compensated by the government.
      • On instructions from the government, please simply pay the bill for child care fees. You will be fully compensated for your childcare costs, partly by the government and partly by Kinderopvang Huizen.

Overview of opened emergency shelter sites:

  • KDV: Our daycare centers Toethoorn and Koelemoes are both open for emergency care;
  • Preschool:
    • Preschool ‘t Morsje (Bovenlangewijnseweg 6) provides emergency care for children from the locations listed below:
      • ‘t Morsje
      • ‘t Woodworm
      • ‘t Kraaltje
      • ‘t Eavesdropper
    • Poppins’Emergency care is provided at preschool ‘t Krekeltje (Rousseaulaan 10, Huizen) for children from the locations listed below:
      • ‘t Cricket
      • Grasshopper
      • Spelevanck
  • BSO:
    • Emergency care is provided at bso Kremmerd (Bovenlangewijnseweg 6) for children from the locations listed below:
      • Kremmerd
      • The Bridge
      • Marriekolf
      • Jump In
    • Emergency care is provided at bso Vrom and tom (Rousseaulaan 8 – 10, Huizen) for children from the locations listed below:
      • Vrom and tom
      • Trikkert
      • Resort
      • Amerij
      • Jump In Meent
      • The Chameleon


(Earlier) closure during holidays:

  • On Thursday, Dec. 24 and Thursday, Dec. 31, emergency shelter locations will be closed at 00.
  • On Friday, December 25 and Friday, January 1, all locations are closed.


Additional information or questions?

We hope to have informed you sufficiently with this message.
For a list of frequently asked questions and answers from parents, please refer to the government website.
You will also find the most important measures listed in this poster.

Unanswered questions? If so, please feel free to ask via email to our Customer Contact Department at klantcontact@kinderopvanghuizen.nl.