Kinderopvang Huizen believes it is important that the staff is able to respond well to the child’s needs and provide the children with a place where they can develop optimally.

The quality of child care is largely determined by the teaching staff. Therefore, we pay continuous attention to the development and support of our staff in pedagogical matters. Therefore, within Kinderopvang Huizen we work with a Pedagogical Policy Officer and a Pedagogical Coach.


The Pedagogical Policy Officer focuses on updating, (further) developing, translating and implementing the pedagogical policy within Kinderopvang Huizen. She monitors and secures the implementation of the pedagogical policy and translates it into work practice by developing concrete activities, methods and tools, among other things. The hours available for the pedagogical policy officer are deployed centrally so that each site works from the same vision and policy. Within the frameworks, an employee has room to implement the policy as he or she sees fit.


Our Pedagogical Coach focuses on improving the pedagogical quality of services and the professional development of pedagogical staff. The Pedagogical Coach serves as the lynchpin between the pedagogical policy and its implementation. She supervises, coaches and stimulates the staff’s development process in the pedagogical field.


Hourly distribution

At Kinderopvang Huizen, there will be 19 locations with a total of 69.89 FTEs on January 1, 2020. Pursuant to the IKK Act, the hours below are used:

Pedagogical policy development/implementation 20*50 1000
Coaching pedagogical staff members 69.89*10 698,9
Total   1698,9


For 2020, we have decided to distribute the hours for pedagogical policy development evenly among the different sites. This also applies initially to coaching hours (depending on the number of FTEs per location):

Deployment of pedagogical coach FTE On an annual basis
Koelemoes 11,61 116,1
Toothorn 16,92 169,2
Jump In 1,99 19,9
Kremmerd 3,78 37,8
Marriekolf 3,35 33,5
Trikkert 2 20
Vrom and tom 5,13 51,3
The Chameleon 0,43 4,3
Amerij 0,83 8,3
Jump In Meent 0,94 9,4
The Bridge 1,72 17,2
Resort 1,83 18,3
The Grasshopper 1,31 13,1
The Butterfly 0 0
t Woodworm 0,79 7,9
t Morsje 0,46 4,6
Poppins 0,42 4,2
Spelevanck 2,09 20,9
t Eavesdropper 0,28 2,8
t cricket 1,75 17,5
Substitute pool internal 6,76 67,6
Temporary Workers 2,5 25
Expansion 3 30
  69,89 698,9

When determining the exact number of coaching hours per pedagogical staff member, we take into account the professional maturity of the respective pedagogical staff members and teams. All pedagogical staff at Kinderopvang Huizen receive coaching at least annually, This applies to permanent staff as well as substitute and temporary employees. The exception is the teaching assistants in training, as they are coached from training and by the personal supervisor.


In consultation with the pedagogical staff member and the team managers of the various locations, it is decided which pedagogical skills will be coached and in what form this coaching will be offered.  Depending on the needs, various forms of coaching are offered:


  • Individual coaching calls

Individual coaching is appropriate if you want to work with your own issue in the area of your professional development in a targeted, concrete and safe setting. As an employee, you have an issue regarding pedagogy. In a one-on-one conversation, we will look at what you are up against and in what situation. We are trying to get a clear picture. Together we are going to look at ways to work on this.


  • Coaching on the job

Coaching on the job is an intensive form of guidance, in which you work on the further development of (pedagogical) skills and qualities. The coaching takes place at one’s own workplace. The coach observes functioning and dynamics within the work environment. How do you interact with the children, colleagues and the environment.  The goal of coaching on the job is to strengthen the reflective ability on one’s own actions. You can immediately apply the feedback you get back to the group. During the coaching, the coach will rotate with the group.  Through feedback, question spelling, complimenting and mirroring behavior, the coach makes the employee aware of her or his pedagogical actions.


  • Team coaching and/or intervision

A topic is suggested by staff members in response to an individual coaching, observation, or VIB conversation. The coach will raise awareness of this topic through various forms of work. Pedagogical staff discuss the topic and  exchange experiences. They give each other feedback and learn from each other, they  are given tools that they can apply in practice.


  • Video Interaction Counseling

The basic premise of VIB is to emphasize the captured successful contact moments and work on them further to strengthen the skills of the teaching assistant. Employees can immediately recognize and name  moments in which they could have done better, this is a very valuable form of self-reflection.

Employees are not presented with how to “do it,” but are helped to recognize and further develop what they already do well

  • There will be 3 short video recordings (about 5 minutes) of a pedagogical staff member during daily activities.
  • The recordings are reviewed by the staff member and the VIB -trainer. In each case, the employee indicates what he or she has seen in fragments. The emphasis is on what went well in the recordings being viewed. Of importance is that the employee learns to recognize their own moments of success so that they can be further developed.
  • Any follow-up course may be recorded.


  • Various trainings, including Eye for Interaction, Knap Tricky and Uk & Puk.

During the trainings, employees receive information, engage in conversation, learn to reflect on their own actions and are given tools. They learn more about interaction skills, child development, basic educational goals and the child’s environment



Through the use of a Pedagogical Policy Officer and a Pedagogical Coach, we support the staff to get the best out of themselves and the children. By fulfilling our vision in which we Unburdening parents by offering children a fantastic time with us. Children can develop optimally and discover their talents. An enrichment for life.