The cabinet has decided that a number of relaxations in the coronama measures will also be implemented for child care.
Below we list the most important changes for child care.

  • As of Sept. 20, if there is an infection of a child in care or school, not all children in the group or class automatically have to be quarantined and given a testing recommendation. In outbreaks with multiple infections in a group, the GGD may still provide additional advice, including quarantine advice for the entire group or class if necessary.
  • As of Sept. 25, 2021, the one-and-a-half-meter rule has been abandoned.

Modified decision tree 0 to 12 years

In line with the above, also
the decision tree
adjusted again.
We list the most important changes here:

  • Always begin the decision tree at START
  • In the decision tree, testing always refers to testing by the GGD.
  • Children who (as far as is known) have not been in contact with someone infectious with corona do not need to stay home or test if there is only a nasal cold, with no cough or fever.
  • Adults and children who are known to have been in contact with someone infected with corona should stay home and test for all corona-related symptoms, including only rhinitis.
  • Children under 12 are not required, but are strongly advised to be quarantined after returning from a very high-risk country. They can get tested on day 5 to shorten the quarantine.
  • When may an untested child return to daycare/school? In the case of persistent mild symptoms, child may return to daycare or school after 7 days (after symptoms have started). Unless a quarantine advisory from the GGD is still in effect.
  • In the Netherlands, children may be vaccinated from the age of 12. In grade 8 of elementary school, children often turn 12 (or older) during the year. Therefore, the decision tree states that a child is immune even if fully vaccinated.

CAUTION: Adults who (as far as is known) have not been in contact with someone who was infectious with corona should stay at home with all corona-related complaints, including only rhinitis. See also the decision tree for persons 12 years and older.


Adjusted corona protocol Childcare

The Child Care Protocol has also been updated again as a result of the changed corona measures. All changes mentioned above are included in this.
So one of the measures is to abandon the one-and-a-half-meter rule and allow parents to enter the site again.

The team manager reviews with the site what is desirable in this regard and then coordinated with the site’s parent committee and, where applicable, the school.
The changes have been incorporated into the corona child care protocol. The most recent version of this can be found in the Parent Portal under My Location.